Become A Coach

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Hands-On Real-Time
Leadership Training

As a coach, you will immediately get hands-on real-time leadership training that will help you excel in your personal and professional life without waiting to climb a corporate ladder to be chosen. Choose yourself and we will support you from there.

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The Power To Choose Your
New Family & Friends

Family and friends should love and support you on your goals, but that’s not always the case. As a group leader you get to handpick the people you surround yourself with. Now have a reason and a structure to bring the people that inspire you most together.

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Make A Huge Difference
Right Where You Are

Some people donate money. Some people volunteer. As a group leader, you will make a difference right where you are right now in the lives of those within your reach by being present and believing in and for them when they may not believe in themselves.

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Faster Transformation
Than Average Or Alone

In the same way new parents change when they recognize that their children are looking to their example, you will transform faster than you ever have before when you know your group is relying on you to model success and support for them.

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You’ll Get Exclusive Backend Access To Our Online Platform…


The Player’s View
[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ line_height=”45″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]An online platform to
track member goals[/no_custom_font]

1. Set monthly goals, track their progress, and get coached online

2. Get text-based notifications when you coach them or their buddy progresses

3. Search their teammates by skills to get specific help on their personal goals

The Coach’s View
[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ line_height=”45″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]Easily coach & lead
your team to success[/no_custom_font]

1. Track each team member’s monthly progress and coach them online

2. Send text messages based on player’s progress and recent activity

3. Setup monthly meetings with automatic reminders so nobody forgets

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Featured Group Leaders

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From One To Many, It Begins With You


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Once You Say “Yes”

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Here’s What Will Happen…


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When you sign up to be a coach, you will get instant access to the coaching panel on your profile which will allow you to create your team, send messages, and track their progress. We also provide you with the Mastermind Maker Group Starter Kit which has everything you need to successfully create and lead your first group. Finally, you will have access to support from our team who is committed to helping you and your group members succeed.

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In The Mastermind Maker Group Starter Kit, we provide with ways to scan your mind, phone contacts, and social media to identify 3-5 people to start your group with. You can invite them as your handpicked special guest using the invitation email templates in starter kit,, handwritten notes, email, phone, text, or in-person. It’s up to you.

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The Mastermind Maker Group Starter Kit has a checklist of everything you need to do before, during, and after your meeting to succeed. Being a leader means creating a space of possibility for others and then holding it even when they may be doubtful of themselves. Inside the starter kit, there is also a word-for-word script that you can use to facilitate your first meeting.

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As a coach, you will receive ongoing training throughout the year from our team and other expert in our network we know to help you grow as a leader. Training comes in the form of webinars, conference calls, emails, a private Facebook Group, and live events. We use the “hot seat” method to help coaches breakthrough on leadership challenges and challenges their team members are facing.

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Are You Ready To Be A Leader
& Inspiration In Others’ Lives?


[no_custom_font font_family=”Open Sans” font_size=”18″ line_height=”25″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”200″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”0″ show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#ffffff”]Great leaders create more leaders. And as a coach, that will be your primary role. You don’t have to be Martin Luther King or Gandhi. You just have to be you. There are those who wait for inspiration and there are those who in inspire.[/no_custom_font]
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Frequently Asked Questions


[no_accordion active_tab=”1″ style=”accordion” hide_icon=”no”][no_accordion_tab title=”Do I have to be a professional coach to lead a group? ” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]
No! You do not have to be a professional coach to lead a mastermind. You are just the one who holds the space. There is some training on how to do that in the future. What is powerful about a mastermind is that it taps into the collective wisdom of the group. Therefore, no one person has to be the expert or pretend like they know it all. Everyone gives and receives.
We recommend that you invite a group of people (not necessarily friends) who you would motivate you to take your life to the next level. So many people are out there hustling hard by themselves and it would be a relief to them to have a team of people to help them accelerate their success. You can create that space for them.
The platform is free for teams of 1-6 players.
[/no_accordion_tab][no_accordion_tab title=”What are the responsibilities of a coach? ” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]

As a coach, you are the initiator of the space. Ultimately, we want everyone to lead. You start by getting the ball rolling. We definitely encourage you to identify a co-lead so that it doesn’t all fall on you.

Core responsibilities of a coach are to:

  • Send out invitations to mastermind group
  • Prepare the space to host the mastermind
  • Prepare the materials for the group
  • Lead the conversation at the mastermind group

Here are some additional resources to help you succeed.

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At we believe in teams of successful friends. Successful friends are people who challenge you to rise to your greatness, pull you out of your comfort zone, and hold you accountable to your goals. Who are three people who fit this description? If you can’t think of them off top of your head, complete this exercise on How To Pick Your Team to help you identify your potential team members.

[/no_accordion_tab][no_accordion_tab title=”I want to lead, but I have no formal leadership training. Am I qualified? ” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]

Yes, whatever inside that is calling you to lead is a great start. The only way to become a better leader is to actually lead people. Just reading about being a leader won’t help you become a better leader. To support you in your growth as a leader we host live monthly leadership trainings  to support you along the way. You can see the training schedule here.

[/no_accordion_tab][no_accordion_tab title=”I love this idea and know I should lead but I’m busy. What is the time commitment required to be a coach?” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]

Leading the Mastermind Group can be a 5-10 hour commitment a month. It all depends on the energy you invest in yourself & your players. We encourage at least one in-person meeting a month and a mid-month conference call to check in with your team’s progress. Our online coaching platform makes it easy & accessible to coach your team from wherever you may be.

[/no_accordion_tab][no_accordion_tab title=”What is the January 7th event all about? ” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]

January 7th is our annual gathering of coaches and players all across the globe. On that day, we encourage coaches to bring their teams together to connect with the global movement and facilitate a meeting where each player envisions their upcoming year using our New Year Guide. The event will be presented via livestream from New York as Jullien leads his own mastermind group, The Focused Group. You can learn more here.

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Though we would love to take credit for the development of masterminds & goal groups, this idea has been used for centuries by the world’s most successful people. Napoleon Hill’s best selling book Think & Grow Rich is really where we discovered the concept and we are here to bring mastermind groups to the masses.

Here are two posts that will give you some more context:

  1. Mastermind Group Defined: The 3 Criteria, History & Evolution
  2. The 5 Most Popular Mastermind Groups Of All-Time